Wednesday, November 26, 2008


With all of the good that this new technology is giving off what could be the possible disadvantages?? According to Wikipedia and CNN the costs of installing several cameras and the computer power needed to process all of the information, is extremely high at its present time. There were no exact figures that I could find however, I will assume that it must be in the millions of dollars if not more!!

For more information on the technology check out <>

Therefore, at its present time it is not expected to make a big impact on industry. Nevertheless, we must look to the future. According to, in the not too distant future, industries could be utilizing the holographic technology more than we would expect. Busy businessmen will be having meetings all over the world from within their office. Even though this would save money on travel and reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, this poses a large problem. The problem is that relations with other poeple would be reduced to imagines simulated ones. We would no longer need to actually meet popel. Politions who would use this for example, could meet seveal foreign leaders in the same day accross the world but the actual exchange of ideas and the emotional warmth of being in the same room and shaking anothers hand would be lost. This could harm international realtions!

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